Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well, it's been a while since I've posted anything so let me give you an update on what I'm doing. With Mike still studying ALL the time for the Bar Exam he isn't able to work. We have our student loans to cover us for a couple of months but after that....something has to be done. I thought about it and prayed about it and I considered two options. I could go to work part time or I could try to find something I could do from home. After a huge debate within myself...I decided to give the bow making a try. ( A huge thank you to Christine for teaching me how to make the bows!!!) I have joined with my twin sister, Susan, in a business endeavor. We set up a blog www.sistersbowtique.blogspot.com to sell our bows. In August we should have our website www.sistersbowtique.net up and running. It's been a crazy month trying to get things ready and just finding out how to get this going. I'm stumbling through it and I hope we can make this work. We aren't in this to make boco bucks just something to help supplement. I wanted to make the bows as affordable to others as I could. So, feel free to check us out. Let us know what you think and please be honest. We can use all the help we can get! :)


Becca and fam said...

I hope Mike does well on the Bar! And good luck on your business!

THE BLAIRS said...

GOOD LUCK tomarrow Mike!!

Tiff Rudd said...

Cool girl! Hope it goes well! I'll have to check it out!

Mr .Helper

Mr .Helper
He loves to help, here he is helping to paint our master bathroom!

Our "Kit Kat"

Our "Kit Kat"
She's growing up so fast!